How to create a customized performance test using X-ray.
X-Ray can do the following for the performance tester.
- Model IO workloads using standard fio format
- Create VMs based on user-specified criteria (CPUs, Memory, Number & Size of disks)
- Provision the VMs to a HCI cluster (Nutanix AHV, ESXi, Hyper-V)
- Execute the workloads
- Display and store the results
In particular X-Ray give the additional benefits that most workload generators do not
- Specify and deploy workloads with different IO patterns and characteristics
- Most workload generators create a uniform workload on all workers
- Execute and terminate sub-workloads on a user-specified timeline
- e.g. Begin workload 1 then introduce workload 2 and measure the interference
- Introduce failure scenarios and measure the impact to performance
The files are in my X-ray GitHub