A Nutanix / Prometheus exporter in bash


For a fun afternoon project, how about a retro prometheus exporter using Apache/nginx, cgi-bin and bash!?

About prometheus format

A Prometheus exporter simply has to return a page with metric names and metric values in a particular format like below.

ntnx_bash{metric="cluster_read_iops"} 0
ntnx_bash{metric="cluster_write_iops"} 1

When you configure prometheus via prometheus.yml you’re telling prometheus to visit a particular IP:Port over HTTP and ask for a page called metrics – so if the “page” called metrics is a script – the script just has to return (print) out data in the expected format – and prometheus will accept that as a basic “exporter”. The idea here is to write a very simple exporter in bash that connects to a Nutanix cluster – hits the stats API and returns IOPS data for a given container in the correct format.

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Effects of CPU topology on sqlserver guests with AHV.

VM CPU Topology

The topology (layout) that AHV presents virtual Sockets/CPU to the guest operating system will usually be different than the physical topology. This is expected because we typically present a subset of all cores to the guest VMs.

Usually it is the total number of vCPU given to the VM that matters, not the specific topology, but in the case of SQLserver running an analytical workload (a TPC-H like workload from HammerDB) the topology passed to the VM does make a difference. Between 10% and 20% when measured by the total runtime.

[I think that the reason we see a difference here is that (a) the analytical workloads use hardly any storage bandwidth (I sized the database to fit in memory) and (b) there is probably a lot of cross-talk between the cores/memory as the DB engine issues parallel queries.]

At any rate we see that passing 20 cores as “20 sockets of 1 core” beats the performance of “1 socket with 20 cores” by a wide margin. The physical topology is two sockets of 20 cores on each socket. Thankfully the better performing option is the default.

CPU Topology may make a difference for SQL server running analytical workloads.
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How to monitor SQLServer on Windows with Prometheus


  • Enable SQLServer agent in SSMS
  • Install the Prometheus Windows exporter from github the installer is in the Assets section near the bottom of the page
  • Install Prometheus scraper/database to your monitoring server/laptop via the appropriate installer
  • Point a browser to the prometheus server e.g. :9090
    • Add a new target, which will be the Windows exporter installed in step.
    • It will be something like <SQLSERVERIP>:9182/metrics
    • Ensure the Target shows “Green”
  • Check that we can scrape SQLserver tranactions. In the search/execute box enter something like this
  • Put the SQLserver under load with something like HammerDB
  • Hit Execute on the Prometheus server search box and you should see a transaction rate similar to HammerDB
  • Install Grafana and Point it to the Prometheus server (See multiple examples of how to do this)
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Generate load on Microsoft SQLserver Windows from HammerDB on Linux

HammerDB on Linux driving load to Windows SQL Server

Often it’s nice to be able to drive Windows applications and databases from Linux, especially if you are more comfortable in a Unix environment. This post will show you how to drive a Microsoft SQL Server database running on a Windows server from a remote Linux machine. In this example I am using Ubuntu 22.04, SQLserver 2019, Windows 11 and HammerDB 4.4

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Comparing RDS and Nutanix Cluster performance with HammerDB


In a recent experiment using Amazon RDS instance and a VM running in an on-prem Nutanix cluster, both using Skylake class processors with similar clock speeds and vCPU count. The SQLServer database on Nutanix delivered almost 2X the transaction rate as the same workload running on Amazon RDS.

It turns out that migrating an existing SQLServer VM to RDS using the same vCPU count as on-prem may yield only half the expected performance for CPU heavy database workloads. The root cause is how Amazon thinks about vCPU compared to on-prem.

Benchmark Results

HammerDB results from RDS and Nutanix
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Single threaded DB performance on Nutanix HCI


A Nutanix cluster can persist a replicated write across two nodes in around 250 uSec which is critical for single-threaded DB write workloads. The performance compares very well with hosted cloud database instances using the same class of processor (db.r5.4xlarge in the figure below). The metrics below are for SQL insert transactions not the underlying IO.

Single threaded commit heavy insert rates. Latency as seen from SQL insert statement.
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SQL Server uses only one NUMA Node with HammerDB

Some versions of HammerDB (e.g. 3.2) may induce imbalanced NUMA utilization with SQL Server.

This can easily be observed with Resource monitor. When NUMA imbalance occurs one of the NUMA nodes will show much larger utilization than the other. E.g.

Imbalanced NUMA usage by SQL Server.

The cause and fix is well documented on this blog. In short HammerDB issues a short lived connection, for every persistent connection. This causes the SQL Server Round-robin allocation to send all the persistent worker threads to a single NUMA Node! To resolve this issue, simply comment out line #212 in the driver script.

Comment out this line to work-around the HammerDB NUMA imbalance problem.

If successful you will immediately see that the NUMA nodes are more balanced. Whether this results in more/better performance will depend on exactly where the bottleneck is.

Balanced NUMA usage by SQL Server